Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Priyanka Adarsh

1st of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Choosing the right path to earn a living is one of the foremost important decision we make in our life. The quality of this decision by far defines our life as a whole, cause if you are happy working, you are growing, and growth denotes more prosperity. Also on the other hand the happier you are at work the more content you are adding happiness in your personal lives too! 

In simple words your professional and personal lives are interlinked and define your entire life. This being such an important decision, a perfect mentoring becomes indispensable. Only an adequately qualified expert would be able to guide right assessing multiple dimensions to establish a convergence and zero down on the perfect career path! 

With an infinite array of career options available and each personality being so unique, an expert who understands both the science and the art of establishing a right career path becomes the quintessence!



Durga Yadav | M.Sc/B.Ed /Certified Care...

7th of December 2020 | 2 Likes


I consider career counsellors role to that of a Doctor .Like what a qualified doctor does is to talk to u patiently,understand your pain points ,probes further on the short term and long term implications of all that the patient has to say and based on all that either recommends a test for diagnosis followed by a remedy or otherwise offer a suitable remedy rightaway.

An expert career counsellor acts like a doctor ....she understands your core values /skills /interest /aptitude .....your choice or selection of a preferred career path ....analyses the possibilities ,implications,and last but not the least suggests you alternatives,or mentors you to tread that path of your choice.

Remember ,career is not something "one size firs all".Each individual is unique and should be guided in a unique ,customused way to acheive their career goals.

Hence consulting an expert career counsellor can save a lot of time and frustration in later years of life.

Hope that helps!!!

Durga yadav 

Certified career counsellor cum career coach 


3rd of December 2020 | 2 Likes


Career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors because they give you the best direction for your career so that you can achieve your dreams easily. for more information contact Imfs.


16th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Trained/Expert career counselors know the right process and structure to guide someone. They are bound by the rules of counseling, hence they will provide you with unbiased and client centric approach. 

Expert career counselor will also guide you to find right solution keeping your circumstances in perspective. They tend to be ethical. 


16th of April 2020

Kanika Singh | Degree in Psychology, Cer...

17th of March 2021 | 2 Likes


First we need to understand What is Counseling? Counselling means help a person by providing guidance, moral support, and exploring solutions for the problems being faced."Counselling” is usually associated with a professional helping out an individual in need.This professional is a person you can reach out to in times of uncertainty, and who makes sure that your identity and problems remain confidential.

Career counseling is the only reliable way to understand your career choices to make a career in the field you are passionate about.Career counseling helps

 students to find their right career path by examining their core competencies. Deciding a right career path by our own is a barrier in everyone life. Many a time, career suggestions from others take the place of an individual’s real interest.There are so many career opportunities that students might get puzzled often end up taking irrelevant courses and then suffer in an uninteresting job. Career counselling, therefore, is an important aspect to consider before making a career decision. It is a key component in today’s education sector that promises to deliver the best results in terms of education.I being a Professional Career Counselor will say finding and talking to a career counsellor can be the best decision of your life. 

And to get a Career help you can visit my https://catchcareer.edumilestones.com/
